12 Nightmare before ChristmasCross Training12 dec. 20231 min de citit1 Hang Clean2 Front Squats3 Push Jerk4 Bent Over Rows5 Burpees6 Thrusters7 Deadlifts8 Alternating Snatches9 KB Swings10 Snatch To Reverse Lunge11 Devils Press1200m (0.75 Mile) Run
1 Hang Clean2 Front Squats3 Push Jerk4 Bent Over Rows5 Burpees6 Thrusters7 Deadlifts8 Alternating Snatches9 KB Swings10 Snatch To Reverse Lunge11 Devils Press1200m (0.75 Mile) Run
Last WOD 202431 Double Unders 29 Double DB Snatch 31 DBs Front Squats 30 Burpees 31 Double Unders 30 DBs Push Jerks 31 DBs Squat Cleans 31 DBs Devil’s...